
Mood Inspirations 2013-2014

Fluxus Even change is changing Fluxus literally means 'pure flow'. It is also the name of an art movement from the 60-ties which marked an important transition period and left an ineradicable mark on the rest of the 20th century. Many artists...

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Contract Textile Trends By Utib

The latest contract textile trends by the book: “MOTION.” Evteks Contract Trend Forum 2013. The trend book has been made in order to provide inspiration and to contribute to innovations in the Turkish contract textile industry. The textile book provides information on trends which have been adapted...

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Proposte Made it

Europe is painful. Italy is one of the most adversely affected spots of the trouble. However, Proposte had no signs of the crisis. Celebrating its 20th year Proposte fair was held in such an atmosphere. The sun was shining, the Como...

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