Founded in 2005, the Cotton Egypt Association (CEA) is a non-profit organization tasked with managing and promoting the registered Egyptian Cotton™ logo, a trademark owned by the Ministry of Trade & Industry and the Alexandria Cotton Exporter’s Association. Alongside this, CEA administers a licensing program to ensure the authenticity and quality of Egyptian Cotton™ products.
Vision: Globally Authenticating the Legacy of Egyptian Cotton™
Mission: Protecting and Promoting the Value of the Egyptian Cotton™ Identity Across the Entire Supply Chain
Through an exclusive partnership with Bureau Veritas, CEA offers comprehensive testing and auditing services to verify the authenticity of Egyptian Cotton™ at every stage of the supply chain. This approach not only protects the Egyptian Cotton™ name and brand but also assures consumers that the products they purchase are 100% pure Egyptian Cotton™, free from any blends.
To address the issue of falsely labeled products in the supply chain, CEA has implemented a robust traceability process that includes a groundbreaking DNA testing method. This innovative technology identifies the unique genomic fingerprint of Egyptian Cotton™, ensuring product integrity. Accredited manufacturers are strongly encouraged to use the Egyptian Cotton™ logo as a guarantee of their products’ authenticity.
CEA is also a champion of sustainability. It collaborates with the Better Cotton Program, initiated by UNIDO in Egypt in 2020, serving as the strategic partner to advance sustainable cotton farming practices. In addition, CEA has formed a long-term partnership with Cotton Connect to raise awareness and promote the adoption of regenerative cotton practices across Egypt.
Committed to its mission, CEA continues to preserve the heritage of Egyptian Cotton™, safeguard its legacy, and drive sustainability throughout global supply chains.