Bursa -Javier Parednes Nachon, General Manager of PEXGA (Regional Development Agency of Galicia), Spain, visited Bursa branch of TUMSIAD, Businessmen and Industrialists Association, vvithin the scope of his contacts in Bursa. Cemal Balabanoglu, Chairman of
TUMSIAD Businessmen Association’s Bursa Branch, hosted Javier Parednes Nachon, General Manager of Regional Development Agency of Galicia, Spain {PEXGA}, a worldwide advanced network platform vvhich is funded by Governments of Spain and Galicia.
Declaring that he was happy to hoşt Javier Parednes Nachon, and this visit was important in terms of next steps later on, Balabanoglu said, “Bursa is one of the most important industrial cities of Turkey in some seğments notably the textile and automotive industries. Also Bursa İs export base of agricultural production İn Turkey.” Balabanoglu recorded that they are öpen for ali kinds of sharing.
Spanish and Bursa Textile Firms should meet Stating that he mediated bilateral business meetings between Turkish and Spanish producers, Nachon, General Manager of PEXGA, said, “We can provide coordination among Bursa and Spanish companies. We can bring these companies together and make new markets.” Cemal Balabanoglu presented a faience plate to Nachon